Get Involved Today!
Forum 225 has something for each member to enjoy! The calendar of upcoming events is posted on our website in the menu to the right. Forum 225 members are encouraged to register for events by logging into the website and registering via the calendar.
Develop Socially, Professionally, & Civically!
Meet Baton Rouge leaders while serving at volunteer projects, attending training opportunities, engaging in policy and civic action, or connecting over a glass of wine at one of our many socials.
Have questions about joining Forum? Contact our VP of Membership at membership@forum225.org
Attend fun, meaningful, and impactful events! We host leadership trainings, community speakers, service projects, socials, new member meet ups, and committee meetings throughout the year.
Have questions about upcoming events and projects? Contact our VP of Service at service@forum225.org
Leadership opportunities include serving as a Committee Member, Communications Liaison, or Committee Chair for one of our great events or initiatives, serve on the Executive Committee as a Board Vice President over a Forum pillar, or serve on the Board of Directors as an At-Large Member or as President, President-Elect, Secretary, and Treasurer.
Want to join our leadership team? Send your request to the President-Elect presidentelect@forum225.org
Plans & Pricing
Become a Corporate Partner
Forum 225 offers various ways for Baton Rouge organizations to partner with our membership-base. Each option allows organizations to tap into young professional talent in our community and help them develop into Baton Rouge’s next professional and community leaders. Explore our partnership opportunities below.
Red Stick Corporate Partner
per year
- Memberships for 10 employees
- Company logo on website
- Company logo featured at events
- Three reserved teams per year at Forum 225'sUncorked
- Two seats at any Forum 225 monthly Forum Friday luncheon
- Recognition in annual report
225 Visionary Corporate Partner
per year
- Memberships for 12 employees
- Company logo on website
- Company logo featured at events
- Three reserved teams per year at Forum 225's Uncorked
- Two seats at any Forum 225 monthly Forum Friday luncheon
- One guaranteed slot at Forum 225's premier John W. Barton Leadership Program
- Exclusive service project with Forum 225 service committee and your company
- Recognition in annual report
Friend of Forum
per year
- Memberships for 5 employees
- Company logo on website
- Company logo featured at events
- Three reserved teams per year at Forum 225's Uncorked
- Recognition in annual report
Contact Us
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We're here to help you get involved!
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